Friday, November 10, 2017

❤ FREEBIE Friday❤ Weekly Budget Tracker Printable

Free Printable Weekly Budget Tracker for Cashless Envelope Budget System

    So you've created a budget. Great! Now how do you stick to it? This week's printable has made it super easy for you to stick to your budget goals and is based on a cashless envelope budget system. It is super simple and practical for anyone who uses debit or credit cards instead of cash. There are spots for up to ten categories and I've provided an example of how I've used mine in the past: 

 Free Printable Weekly Budget Tracker for Cashless Envelope Budget System

        I love this method of tracking because it lets me see how much I have left to spend in each individual category, similar to a traditional cash envelope system. If you would like to download any of the inserts below, simply right click and select "Save as." The inserts below are fitted to three popular planner sizes, but you can resize them so that they fit your planner needs. Here are some of the most common planner sizes: 

A5 – 5.8″ x 8.3″
Classic/Desk – 5.5″ x 8.5″ (Half sheet of paper)
Personal – 3.7″ x 6.7"
Franklin Covey Compact – 4.25″ x 6.75″
Day-Timer Portable – 3.75″ x 6.75″
Filofax Compact – 3.7″ x 6.7″
Filofax Pocket – 3.2″ x 4.7″
Franklin Covey Pocket – 3.5″ x 6″

This week's freebie comes in three sizes:

Free Printable Weekly Budget Tracker for Cashless Envelope Budget System Printable Weekly Budget Tracker for Cashless Envelope Budget System Printable Weekly Budget Tracker for Cashless Envelope Budget System

    Let me know if you end up using this system. I truly do appreciate all of your feedback. I typically transfer freebies to my shop within one week of posting on the blog so don't forget to subscribe.



Free Printable Weekly Budget Tracker for Cashless Envelope Budget System

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